Payment Deferral available from HMRC for ML renewal fees
Check if you can get a payment deferral or deregister if you are a business with an annual fee due between 1 May and 30 September 2020.
Published 18 May 2020
From: HM Revenue & Customs
If you’re due to renew money laundering supervision with HMRC you may be able to:
- take a payment deferral for 6 months from the date it is due
- deregister if you stop trading due to coronavirus
This applies to all businesses with an annual fee due between 1 May and 30 September 2020.
Get a payment deferral or deregister
If you continue to operate and carry out activity covered by the Money Laundering Regulations (MLR), you must:
- stay registered with HMRC
- meet your obligations under the MLR, to protect your businesses and the UK from criminal activity
We will send you a reminder on the date your payment is due and you can either
- pay in the normal way
- pay at any time up to 6 months from the original due date
If you choose to defer payment, we will contact you again before your new payment date.
If you choose to deregister
You can choose to deregister and do not need to be supervised by us, if you have:
- temporarily closed your business due to coronavirus
- stopped all MLR activity
You can sign into your account and choose deregister.
For further information you can check how to report a change or cancel your registration.
Applying to reregister your business
When you are ready to reregister your business you will need to make a new online application.
This will set a new date for your registration and the payment of your annual fee.
You will not be able to trade again until your application has been approved, if you are a:
- a Money Service Business
- a Trust or Company Service Provider
We will prioritise your application if you choose to cancel your registration during this time.
Published 18 May 2020
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